INDECIS Data portal

This section links to the datasets used by INDECIS

Daily station data

INDECIS develops a few datasets for non-commercial research and education. These data are station records from the European National Meteorological and Hydrological Services, as hosted by ECA&D, quality controlled and homogenised versions of this dataset, a dataset with recovered data in the INDECIS DAta REscue efforts, and a global dataset with high-resolution wind measurements from tall wind masts.

1. Daily station data (station locations map)
2. Quality Controlled station data

Public ECA&D data quality controlled with INQC


3. Homogenized station data

Public ECA&D data quality controlled with INQC and homogenized with Climatol

4. Recovered station data
Rescued dataset (station locations)

Wind mast dataset (station locations)

Gridded data

INDECIS uses E-OBS dataset (ECA&D derived) and will use ERA-5 (ECMWF) reanalysis as soon as it becomes available to compute the gridded version of the indices

1. E-OBS
Gridded datasets of 136 sector-oriented climate indices